Caring for Your Pets Amidst the Back-to-School Season
Caring for Your Pets Amidst the Back-to-School Season The onset of the back-to-school season heralds notable shifts in household dynamics, frequently impacting our cherished pets. As families revert to their regular routines, our furry companions might encounter...

Unraveling the Science Behind a Cat’s Purring
Unraveling the Science Behind a Cat's Purring Cats have long captivated us with their unique ability to purr—a sound that instantly induces relaxation and contentment. However, have you ever wondered why cats purr in the first place? Surprisingly, there's more to this...

Unleash the Fun Safely: 4 Essential Dog Park Safety Tips for Pet Owners
Unleash the Fun Safely: 4 Essential Dog Park Safety Tips for Pet Owners When it comes to visiting the dog park, it's important to prioritize safety for your furry friend. Chester Animal Clinic is here to provide you with essential tips to keep your dog safe and happy...

A Comprehensive Guide to Identifying, Treating, and Preventing Hot Spots in Pets
A Comprehensive Guide to Identifying, Treating, and Preventing Hot Spots in Pets When your beloved pet experiences intense itching that makes their skin feel like it's on fire, they may resort to scratching, licking, and chewing excessively, leading to the formation...

Ways to Prevent Dog Bites
Ways to Prevent Dog Bites As a dog owner, it's important to know how to prevent and handle dog bites. Although you can't entirely protect your pet from other animals, there are ways to minimize the risk in unfamiliar or stressful situations. Furthermore, knowing how...

A Guide to Dog Walking Safety
A Guide to Dog Walking Safety Celebrate Take a Walk in the Park Day with your four-legged friend on March 30, but don’t let hazards ruin a perfect day. Keep your eyes peeled for the following issues when walking your pet. #1: Other dogs Running across...

Help Your Pet With Surgery Recovery
Help Your Pet With Surgery Recovery Orthopedic surgery—or any surgery—is a major event for a pet and can interfere with their daily function long after they return home. Help your four-legged friend get back on their paws more quickly after an orthopedic...

5 Signs of a Pet Dental Emergency
5 Signs of a Pet Dental Emergency If you've ever experienced the agony of a toothache, you understand how important it is to receive emergency treatment and pain relief. While your pet may not complain in the same way that people do when they are in pain, they...

Fun Valentine’s Day Pet Treat Ideas
Fun Valentine’s Day Pet Treat Ideas Even though you already show your pet how much you love them every day, Valentine's Day gives you the chance to express your affection for them even more! There are numerous alternative safe pet treats you may give to your...

How Much Daily Exercise Does My Pet Need?
How Much Daily Exercise Does My Pet Need? While all pets need exercise every day, the amount each cat or dog requires varies. Follow the guidelines below to create a general exercise plan, and take into account your pet’s age, breed, and health for a personalized...