Pet Wellness Care

We're there from day one.

Your pet’s health is our number one priority.

We’re there for all stages of your pet’s life.

As your pet’s age, continued wellness care is vitally important. We’ll be there to make sure that they’re getting the proper care they need for all of their stages of life and to make sure it’s adjusted for whatever may come there way.

Following the recommendations of your veterinarian for preventive health care can not only prevent disease in your pet, but it can also provide a baseline on health status that can be critical to managing future issues.

Since pets cannot tell us they’re not feeling well, watching for changes in their body systems becomes even more important. Lyne Animal Hospitals recommends several steps in preventive care for pets.

  • Bi-annual pet health exams—Pets age very quickly in relation to humans, and one year for pets will be the human equivalent of several years of aging. For this reason, we recommend that all pets, whether puppies or kittens, senior pets, or rabbits, ferrets, or pocket pets, be examined by our veterinarians every six months. At the regular exam, our doctors check and document the functioning of multiple body systems. From heart and lungs to skin and teeth, ears and eyes your pet will be examined closely so that any changes in health will be quickly identified.
  • Periodic blood work—We recommend a series of general blood work tests be completed on every pet once a year. This is the best way to check on the internal functioning of your pet’s system. Using our in-house laboratory,  as well as sophisticated systems of Antech Diagnostics, an animal’s liver, kidneys, and thyroid can be checked as well as the balance of blood chemistry and other internal functioning.
  • Pet vaccinations—As with people, vaccinations serve to prevent some of the most common and devastating diseases that pets can acquire. The staff of Lyne Animal Hospitals will partner with you to determine the best vaccinations and schedule to ensure your pet is protected according to their environment.
  • Internal parasite prevention —Preventing parasites of all kinds, from fleas and ticks to heartworm and intestinal parasites is an important process for continued pet health.
  • Pet dental care —Studies have shown that maintaining excellent dental health can prevent illness in pets. Our veterinarians and staff will instruct you both in at-home and in-office pet dental hygiene.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions you have. Chester Animal Clinic will be happy to partner with you to keep your pet healthy and living life to the fullest.

We offer a variety of medicines to prevent and treat your pet for fleas.

If you have a pet, you worry about fleas. Not only do fleas transmit disease from pet to pet, did you know that they can also transmit diseases to humans also? What can you do? You’ve seen it; one flea quickly becomes two and then four and then an infestation. We recommend that you treat your pet for fleas all year long. After talking with one of our veterinarians for a personal treatment plan, you may purchase flea prevention products directly from us. We offer Bravecto, Frontline, Capstar, and Revolution.

Your pet will live a longer, healthier life if they are at the proper weight.

Obesity is the condition of being seriously overweight. Obese pets have more physical ailments and a shorter lifespan than those of normal weight. Obesity increases the risk of complications during surgery, and breathing and walking are more difficult for the obese

​Obesity is usually the result of too much food and too little exercise. Other factors, such as breed, temperament, hormone imbalance, and disease, may also cause obesity, but most cases are the result of consuming too many calories.

Weight loss should be accomplished slowly with a nutritionally balanced diet, rather than with severe short-term food restriction. In most cases, pets must be re-trained to eat moderate amounts of food 1 to 2 times daily without any snacks.

All members of the family should be aware of the need for the pet to lose weight, and all should be in agreement before starting dietary control. One person can easily foul up the entire weight-loss program. During your next visit, ask one of our doctors to evaluate your pet’s weight.

We’ll help you keep your pet’s immunizations current and up to date.

Recommended Canine Vaccines

Chester Animal Clinic and Courthouse Rd Animal Hospital recommendations for your Canine family members:

  • 1 and/or 3-year Rabies vaccine (depending on the pet’s age)*
  • 1 and/or 3-year DHPP-C vaccine (this is Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Parvo and Corona combination)*
  • 6-month Infectious Tracheobronchitis Vaccine (aka Bordetella or “Kennel Cough”)*
  • 1-year Canine Influenza Vaccine (H3N2/H3N8)
  • 6-month negative Internal Parasite exam (testing their stool – for hookworms, roundworms, tapeworms, whipworms, etc.)*
  • Annual Heartworm exam (testing for active heartworms or tick-borne diseases such as Lyme, Ehrlichia, and Anaplasma)*
  • Annual Bloodwork diagnostics (testing for infection, kidney and liver values, white and red blood cell counts, and much more)
  • Continuous veterinarian-approved heartworm prevention (year-round)
  • Continuous veterinarian-approved flea & tick prevention (year-round)
  • 1-year Leptospirosis vaccine**
  • 1-year Lyme vaccine**

*These vaccines and diagnostics are required for all of our surgical patients, boarding, daycare, and grooming guests. All dogs MUST also be on a parasite preventative.

** We also advocate the Leptospirosis and Lyme/Ehrlichia vaccines for pets whose lifestyle and activities may expose them to ticks.  These are not required for our boarding, daycare, grooming or surgical pets.

Recommended Feline Vaccines
  • 1-year Rabies vaccine *
  • 1 year and/or 3 year FVRCP Vaccine * (typically called the Feline Distemper vaccine – covers the Feline Rhinotracheitis Virus, Calicivirus, Panleukopenia virus/diseases)
  • 1-year FELV/FIV Test * (required once in a lifetime-if pet is indoor only and is negative, and annually if the pet is indoor/outdoor or outdoor)
  • 1-year FELV Vaccine * (Feline Leukemia Vaccine)
  • 6-month negative Internal Parasite exam * (testing their stool – for hookworms, roundworms, tapeworms, whipworms, etc.)*
  • Annual Bloodwork diagnostics (testing for infection, kidney and liver values, white and red blood cell counts, and much more)

Vaccines and diagnostics are required for all of our surgical patients, boarding, and grooming guests. All cats MUST also be on a parasite preventative.

We put your pet first.

Interesting in learning more about how we can help your pet? Check out more services by clicking the button below, or call us directly.

High-quality veterinary care in Chesterfield County.

We are an established, second-generation, full-service, small animal veterinary facility that has been serving and caring for the pets of Chesterfield County, Virginia since 1968.

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Give us a call at 804-748-2244 to book an appointment.

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12021 Ironbridge Road
Chester, Virginia 23831

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Mon – Fri: 8:00AM – 6:00PM
Sat & Sun: Closed

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